Ruth O’Donnell

Galway born artist Ruth O’Donnell studied at the Institut St Luc, in Brussels from 1986 to 1990. She has been a member of Graphic Studio Dublin since 1991. Her rather contemplative images sometimes contain references European art as she uses contemporary equivalents of objects, from narrative paintings with a view to reaching understanding. Imagery may also refer to literary sources, to museum pieces and to the narrative of her own life. She sees art as the place where the life of the mind becomes visible. O’Donnell has been making and exhibiting prints consistently for the past 20 years in group and solo exhibitions in Ireland and internationally.

Her most recent exhibitions include: 2011 (April) Hamilton Gallery, Sligo, two-person exhibition, with Grainne Cuffe2010 Surface and Depth, two-person exhibition, with Swedish artist Eva Grytt, Original Print Gallery, Dublin, RHA Annual Exhibition, Gold, Graphic Studio Dublin Gallery, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Airfield, Graphic Studio 50th Anniversary, Farmleigh, Original Print at Rathfarnham Castle, Editions, Lavit Gallery, Cork, BIG VISION... Small works include Kilcock Art Gallery, WSI Annual Exhibition. 2009 Winter Island, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris, Artist's Proof, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, Making Waves, Kenny Art Gallery, Galway, RHA Annual Exhibition, WSIA Annual Exhibition.